Daydreamers Blog
Be Ready When the Luck Happens - Book Review
Ina Garten - Be Ready When the Luck Happens, A Memoir Listened to via Audible If you can, I highly recommend listening to "Be Ready When the Luck Happens". It's like having a super extended conve...
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Sarina Bowen - The Five Year Lie A Domestic Thriller Free on Kindle Unlimited with Audio Book companion I love to read and have always loved to read. I attribute that to my Mom who always had a bo...
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My skin and lips are angry. It is so dry, dull, flaky and all around dull. My water intake has been horrible, the change in the cooler temps, heat being on, being away for a night, water that was ...
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It’s been established that I am a product junkie - skin products, hair care products and I’m also a treatment junkie! This past weekend, I visited my favorite Nurse Practitioner Julie for my seco...
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I am the Mona Lisa and other revelations while reading “Untamed”
I’ve had these words rolling around in my head since I read Glennon’s passage on the Mona Lisa and I needed to get them on paper. “Mona Lisa and her husband lost a baby. Sometime later, her husba...
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Real talk. Not all days start out as home runs. But, I will do what I can to try to make the day into the best base hit that I can. I had a rough weekend of missing Reagan, our daughter who pass...
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I’m not totally certain when my infatuation with skin products started but I know I was likely still in middle school. My mom and I were redoing my bedroom from its childhood state to something m...
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As I was watching an Instagram Live by my esthetician she shared that she was revamping her facials to include Lilfox products. I believe I was one of the first clients to make an appointment us...
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Once Leahlani appeared on my social media, there has been no turning back since. I saw the products, looked at the website, clicked add to cart on a bunch of things and voila…I’m a customer for l...
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